Everything is becoming programmable...
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It's crazy to me that a college student and a billionaire own basically the same phone and laptop.
For all the inequality in the world, access to tech in the developed world is a remarkably level playing field.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” — Buckminster Fuller
I flew the other day and saw a guy spend the entire plane ride in an Oculus.
One day, that'll be every person on the plane.
Most people shouldn't be worried about AI stealing their jobs. Small bash scripts maybe, but not AI.
Computer science gives you far more leverage to change the world than any other study in our age.
It's time for the password to die. Users suck at creating secure passwords. Companies suck at keeping those passwords safe.
It would cost $60 billion to start a human Mars colony. Our wars in Iraq, Afghanistan & Pakistan have cost over $3.4 trillion.
Apple 2005: 2560×1600 res, 30", $3,000, monitor only.Apple 2012: 2880x1600 res, 15", $2,199—with a computer attached.
YEAR -- Price of a Gigabyte1981 -- $300,0001987 -- $50,0001990 -- $10,0001994 -- $10001997 -- $1002000 -- $102004 -- $12010 -- $0.10